1. Double click on the talkingnotepad.exe file to begin the
2. Click on Yes button to begin the installation
3. Click on Next button to continue.
4. Change the install location else click on Next button and
click Install.
5. Next you will have to install Microsoft Text To Engine.
Read the license and click on Yes button to install if you are
agree with the agreement. You will need the speech engine installed
in order to use Easy Talking Notepad.
6. Click on Finish button to complete the installation.
1. You can use Easy Talking Notepad to read online news for
you. On the Main Screen, click on the "News" tab.
2. By defaults, Easy Talking Notepad come with some new channels
which are AOL News, CNN News, MSN News, Excite News, Yahoo News,
ZDnet News, and Easy Talking Notepad News.
3. Simple select one of the news channel, Easy Talking Notepad
will then connect to Internet and receive the news.
4. Once the news finished loaded, click on Play button to
listen to the news.
5. You can also remove any of the news channel by clicking
on the - button
6. You can also add a news channel to your favourite by clicking
on the + button
1. Real-time is the feature where Easy Talking Notepad will
speak whatever your type on your computer in real-time. If you
copied any texts, it will be read on real-time also.
2. By default, this feature is enable. To disable this feature,
click on Options Menu and select Clipboard Options. Uncheck
the real-time speech checkbox
1. Click on the Read Menu and select Text to MP3/WAV
2. Select the output voice. The output voice can be Microsoft
Mary, Microsoft Mike or Microsoft Sam.
3. Select the output location for the converted MP3 or WAV
file by clicking on the ... button.
4. By the default the output location is set to "C:\SampleTextToAudio.Wav"
5. Choose the output format. It can be either MP3 or WAV.
6. If you prefer to open the folder after converted, check
on the open folder after conversion chekbox.
7. Click on the Convert Now button to start the conversion.
8. It might take several minutes depending on the length of
your text in order to complete the conversion. A message will
be prompt if the conversion is successsful