Audiozilla Audio Converter Tutorial

Online tutorials for using Audiozilla Audio Converter software. Learn how to convert audio files from one format to another.



Change Output Directory

 By default all the converted audio files will be stored in "C:\Converted Audio" folder. To change the output directory:
1) Double click on Audiozilla.exe 
2) The How to Use Audiozilla dialog form will appear.
3) Click on Options button.
4) The Options dialog form will be loaded.
5) Click Browse... to change the Converted Audiozilla Directory.
6) Click on OK button once the new directory is selected. 

Change Start and End Points

By default the start point will be set to 0% and the end point will be set to 100% . To make changes of the start and end points:
1) Double click on Audiozilla.exe 
2) The How to Use Audiozilla dialog form will appear.
3) Click on Options button.
4) The Options dialog form will be loaded.
5) On the Conversion Points (%), change the start and end points value.
6) Click on OK button once the start and end points value is set. 

Overwriting Existing File

During the conversion, if the existing filename is the same as the converted audio filename, it will overwrite the old file automatically. In order to prevent Audiozilla from automatically replace the old file:
1) Double click on Audiozilla.exe 
2) The How to Use Audiozilla dialog form will appear.
3) Click on Options button.
4) The Options dialog form will be loaded.
5) Check the checkbox "Prompt for overwrite existing files"
6) Click on OK button once the checkbox is checked

Once the option is set, Audiozilla will perform a checking before overwriting the old file. If the old file is found, a message box will prompt asking for confirmation before overwriting the old file.
Yes - Overwrite the current file 
Yes to All - Overwrite all existing files
Save As - Provide a new filename
Skip - Never overwrite this file
Skip - Never overwrite all existing files 

Play Sound Upon Completion

By default, Audiozilla plays a "Notify" sound once the conversion process is done. To disabled this feature:
1) Double click on Audiozilla.exe 
2) The How to Use Audiozilla dialog form will appear.
3) Click on Options button.
4) The Options dialog form will be loaded.
5) Uncheck the "Play sound when conversion is complete" checkbox.
6) Click on OK button once the checkbox is unchecked. 

Delete Original File Upon Completion

In order to delete orginal file upon completion:
1) Double click on Audiozilla.exe 
2) The How to Use Audiozilla dialog form will appear.
3) Click on Options button.
4) The Options dialog form will be loaded.
5 Check the checkbox "Delete original file when conversion is complete"
6) Click on OK button once the checkbox is checked 

Open Folder Upon Completion

Audiozilla will automatically open the converted audio folder once the conversion is completed. To disabled this feature:
1) Double click on Audiozilla.exe 
2) The How to Use Audiozilla dialog form will appear.
3) Click on Options button.
4) The Options dialog form will be loaded.
5) Uncheck the checkbox "Open folder when conversion is completed"
6) Click on OK button once the checkbox is unchecked. 

Try Audiozilla Audio Converter

The trial version will allow you to test the software before you buy it.

Download Size: 20.7 MB
OS: Win 7, 8, 10, 11
Price: $ 29.95
Version: 1.2 (version history)

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