Editing Video/Output File Name

Forum Discussion for Snosh

Editing Video/Output File Name

Postby donnita » Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:02 am

I am currently running the trial and have a couple of questions about possible future enhancements....or am I missing something?

When editing...determining a different start time and ending time, it asks you to fill in min...sec....ms...but there is no way to determine the time as the preview screen doesn't show the time as it runs.

Also, is there a way to name the output file it's own name rather than that of the original....with just a different extension?

Thank you,


Re: Editing Video/Output File Name

Postby softdiv » Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:03 am

Hello Donita,

When viewing a video, it should be showing the video playing time after clicking on the play button. What format did you import as? Custom file naming will be part of the future enchancement. Thanks

Best Regards;

Rick Ng
Softdiv Software
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Posts: 402
Joined: Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:29 am

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