by grrlrighter » Sat Jun 04, 2011 4:38 pm
Hi there,
I am new to Dexster, and I'm trying to merge two sections of separate audio files together via Mix Paste. When I do this, it doubles the length of the audio and it sounds like some evil record player that can't get up to speed. I am copying :02 - :05 seconds on both files, I have saved them both as mp3's, at 44,100 kHz; Mono; 320 Kbps. I've tried using the stretch, and I was able to get the length back to :02 - :05. However, the playback somehow still sounds like the evil record player, as if the speed has been adjusted back to the original setting, but the pitch and tone haven't.
Also, I'm not able to preview my effects. I press the preview button, and it appears like it's playing something back, but I can't hear anything.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.