Softdiv PDF to Image 'CLI' or 'Watch a folder'

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Softdiv PDF to Image 'CLI' or 'Watch a folder'

Postby RobDownUnder » Fri Jan 10, 2020 3:50 am

Regarding your program Softdiv PDF to Image
Does your program have a command line interface ?
Such an interface allows you to call (execute) the program, whilst passing instructions such as -
Convert all PDFs in folder C:\PDFs\
Into JPGs
Placing the JPGs into folder C:\JPGs\
It would be nice if it could delete each PDF after it is converted to JPG

Similar functionality could also be provided WITHOUT using the command line.
That would entail the program having some settings where, we tell it where the PDFs folder is (to watch), and where the output JPGs folder is, and the program can be told to run minimized, and keep watching the PDFs folder.
Meaning every time the program sees PDFs (in the PDFs folder), it converts them into JPGs (into the JPGs folder) automatically.
It would delete the PDFs after it has converted them.
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Joined: Fri Jan 10, 2020 3:46 am

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