How to Draw to Screen

Learn how to draw to screen during the screen recording in Recordzilla Screen Recorder software.

You may use Recordzilla to draw on screen with different colors during the screen recording. To use the draw to screen feature:
1. Click on 2. Video button and check Draw to Screen checkbox. 

Video Settings

2. During the screen recording, you can start the draw to screen feature by using the hotkeys Shift + F7 or right-click on the System Tray red icon and select Draw to Screen 

Start Screen Recording

3. Draw anything you like on the screen 

Draw to Screen

4. To exit the draw to screen feature, just right-click the mouse or hit any key on the keyboard


Try Recordzilla Screen Recorder

The trial version will allow you to test the software before you buy it.

Download Size: 15 MB
OS: Win 7, 8, 10, 11
Price: $ 29.95
Version: 1.7

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